Sunday 10 April 2022

Blame Ourselves Instead of God

 Persistence Bedrock of Faith

One can step out in faith too far for their faith to have the faith required. Mark concluding verses in red, quoting Jesus. One can have faith, but one can also not have enough faith for the task at hand.

Remember the father with the sone tortured by seizures? The disciples asked why could we not heal him? Now there are perhaps many stages and strengths of faith. The disciples did not have enough faith. They had faith but not enough faith.

Keep On Reading

We know there are many gradations of faith from great faith to those of little faith because they are referenced right there in this incident at the end of Mark.

I concluded that if I did not get the answer or response from God that I required, like others often concluded, that it was God who did not exercise the required amount of faith. We couldn't talk Him into it or that, worse, God changed His mind.

Keep On Believing

I conclude however, that I did not have enough faith, not God did not have enough faith. Right here in the final verses of Mark we can see that scenario played out. This, Jesus, said requires much prayer and fasting. Some. I always much earlier suspected, concluded that if they did not have enough faith they were excluded from heaven and it whole ball of wax. 

It is written. God does not change His mind. Blaming evil and suffering on God indicates that view does not take on any responsibility. It does nothing so it I guess it gets nothing.

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