Tuesday 9 November 2021

Seeking more faith

There are many ways to gain faith but I like the best only one. That is, by myself, all alone, reading the Bible. But not just reading anywhere I want to go to the most powerfully written ones. They are the ones I like. There are a lot of them is the Psalms. There is where people go for more. More emotion and more into stronger faith. 

I used to have a red letter Bible, with only the words of Jesus in it. But I have misplaced it. Like many I suppose I read the most when I need it the most. I used to read the ones about healing, but I am fading on that score perhaps since I read Jesus words about the body will not help me. 

My focus is moving more toward the spirit and the Holy Spirit. I sense power in the Holy Spirit. I wish I could memorize more but I have to read. I tried listening to the Word but found my thoughts picking up on a good passage only to fall behind the reader. Scourby is the best. One word comes to me often. That word  is diligent. I want more, more faith and more diligence. The Bible is the only place I know of to go.

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